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Washing used to be really hard work. Because there were only simple detergents, the laundry had to be washed very hot to get it clean and rubbing on washboards was very tiring! Today, washing machines and modern detergents do this work for us. Our experiments provide a first insight into detergent research: What do surfactants do, and what role do temperature, water hardness and the type of fabric play?
Experiments related to washing
In the past, people used to wash clothes with almost boiling water to get them clean. That is no longer necessary today.
Bleaching and drying both used to be mainly outdoor activities, and the processes were similar. The stretch of grass set aside for these jobs was called a bleaching-green or drying-ground.
Dirty laundry not only looks bad, it can also be unhygienic. Regular washing of towels, for example, helps prevent the transmission of diseases.
Animals wash their fur and skin very differently: cats preen themselves with their tongues, elephants take a mud bath, and then there are animals like hamsters that like to bathe in the sand.
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