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Discover Forscherwelt playlist on YouTube with videos about the initiative, experiments for kids and tutorials for educators.
You can also do research at home. Here you can find step-by-step instructions for simple experiments to try out at home.
Experiments to try out
What does acid do to your teeth, and what does it have to do with eggshells?
What makes a color?
What are the categories and how can I separate them?
What can I use to make my own glue? And how do I find out how strong my glue is?
Experiments related to gluing
Worksheets and information for teachers
We’ve all had sticky fingers after eating. Which foods make fingers the stickiest?
Develop your own test apparatus and measure how strong your glue is!
What does a surfactant do? Is there hard water? How do washing tests work?
Experiments related to washing
What does a surfactant do, and what does it do with the dirt?
What is hard water, and what does it have to do with washing?
What are skin creams made of? What causes holes in teeth? How strong is a strand of hair?
Experiments related to personal care
What does skin cream do, and how can the effect be made visible?
How does recycling work? Can I make glue from plants? What is the greenhouse gas effect?
Experiments related to sustainability
Is it possible to measure the greenhouse gas effect in an experiment?
How does paper recycling work, and can I do it myself?
How can I measure how acidic something is? How can I separate colors? And what is a lemon battery?
How can I determine if something is acidic without tasting it?
Cola makes milk sour: Find out why the two drinks don't get along.
How can I build a battery myself, and how do I know if current is flowing?